Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

Ninja Saga - Hack Missions

material : firefox 3.5 , fiddler2 , mission2 and datalibrary.
fiddler download :
to download click here!
mission and datalibrary :

steps :

  1. Download the above. 
  2. Open Fiddler
  3. Go to Autoresponder and ensure both 'Enable Automatic.. ' and 'Permit pass...' are ticked
  4. Click ADD.
  5. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to REGEX:(?insx)^.*mission\.swf$
  6. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save and select 'File a file'
  7. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select 'mission.swf'
  8. Click SAVE
  9. Click ADD again.
  10. A 'String To Match' will appear, change it to REGEX:(?insx).*data_library_en\.swf$
  11. Click on the ▼ button beside the Save. And select 'File a file'
  12. Browse to the files that you have downloaded above and select 'data_library_en.swf'
  13. Click SAVE.
  14. Clear browser cache
  15. All missions will be DUMMIED
  16. ENJOY!!! xD

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